Monday, January 16, 2012

End of week one!!

Hi gang!! It's the end of week one!!!!!!

Just finished X Stretch, kenpo yesterday, feeling fantastic!!

So far, I've not shed a thousand kilos nor have I got a ripped six pack but I feel great inside and motivated to get to the end of week one. I think the smaller goals are more manageable than one great big three month goal...

I will post how week two goes, it's back into hectic days and long days at work - fingers crossed!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Arms, shoulders and yoga!

Hi gang, how are we all?

Shoulders and arms plus Yoga are in the bag, that's right, we're up to P86X!

Legs and back today, been putting it off but time to bite the bullet.

Time to BRING IT!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week one day two - plyo-outta here!

Phew! Plyo and I really don't get along too well but I think we put our differences aside today and, well, I'm still alive!

My feet are getting sore though, I think it's time to bite the bullet and go to the foot doctor, I think a little extra support in my bball sneakers will help, unless the shoes themselves aren't cutting it... hmmm, we shall see.

Bought some casein supplements long with a good multivit and fish oil with glucosamine, should help with the knees I think.

Really feeling yesterdays back and chest work out which makes me VERY happy, those negative pull ups seem to have targeted the back more than the last few times I tried the workout, roll on ACTUAL pull ups!!

Looking forward to working on the gun show tomorrow, shoulders and arms here I come! It will be interesting to see how the routine goes with incorporating work back into the mix, this time training is FIRST thing in the morning!

Will upload my starting stats tomorrow and day one photos will be up at day 30, along with day 30 result pics.

Until then, night!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yes! Day one done and dusted!!

Check and back - tick! Feels great to get the first session done and out of the way.

I presently struggle with completing a pull up so I'm doing negative pull ups for now (use a chair under the bar and complete the lowering part of the pull up), we'll soon see if it's doing the trick. Another fellow P90X-er is using the bands to build strength until tackling the bar.

Got very nauseous about half way through, had to stop for fear of chundering for a while but pushed past it and kept going, If anyone knows why this happens when training (eg, not enough fuel, ate at the wrong times, ate the wrong pre-workout food) let us know!

Anyway, time to hit the sack and get ready for my least favorite workout - plyo, the beast.

Looks like its P89X for me now! Cheers guys and remember - get out of your head, just keep pushing play and BRING IT!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day one - the hell!!

Well, let me say now, waiting till the evening to train is NOT going to work.

It has been a blistering day and the house is like a sauna (upstairs is over 40C), we didn't get home from work until really late, hungry...

Plan? Well, I'm really pissed off at myself but at this point the plan is - Chest and Back tomorrow morning and Plyo tomorrow afternoon... hey, if Joel can kick his body's butt by double training when it wants a break, then so can I!!

Bear with me, day 1 is only one day away...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

D-day! 9th January 2012

Day one training will start Monday morning, 9th Jan 2012. I guess the best thing to do is to schedule a time of the day and stick to it. I'm not much of a morning person but I think I'm probably more likely to stick to training first thing in the morning - perhaps resort to evening training if I have an early morning shoot? If anyone knows a great way to motivate one out of bed every morning, please don't hesitate to share!

First day training, it's a free weights session. I'm certain I have the gear I'll need.

- 2 x 12kg

- 2 x 4kg

- 2 x 1.5kg

- Pull up bar

- Ol' faithful yoga mat

- Portable media player (I've put the 12 DVD's onto an SD card so I can take the videos anywhere)

- Polar Heart Rate monitor

Some inspiration...

P90X training challenge

Beachbody, creators of the P90X program, have this year announced they will bringing the "X" with their new weekly and monthly challenges. But unfortunately these challenges are only currently available to US members.

So I pose that we begin our own challenge, with weekly and monthly progress posts, for us aussies!

Comment below if you are interested, the more people who want to join us, the more fun we can have with challenge!


Well hello and welcome!

Welcome to the new year! 2012, it yields much promise and success for many and after the terrible year we had last year - floods here in Queensland, earthquakes and floods back in NZ, heartache and worries for all the loved ones and work, well, where do I start with work last year... Well i just plain think it's high time for some of the good life this year!

I've put on the pounds. It's not a vain thing, I'm uncomfortable! And the two-thirds of wardrobe I could be wearing are just sitting there gathering dust.

I first heard of p90x online when I stumbled across a couple of YouTube success stories and saw these amazing transformations. I realized then that this was not some fly-by-night program but instead the structured and organized routine I needed to get fit and get in shape.

So this is it. Every day I will post how my training went, where my weaknesses are, what I need to improve on and most importantly, keep myself accountable and BRING IT every day!!

I invite you to join me in my 90 day journey, support is always important to keep yourself motivated! I will post the details of the training soon, so keep posted!